I took a chance on the weather, there were “extreme risk” for severe thunderstorms including potential for a tornado.  I wound up in Wells, Maine on top of Mount Agamenicus.  I was treated to the most amazing sunset I’ve ever seen.  The bands of thunderstorms and downpours could be seen on the horizon, and the sky was really doing some beautiful things…and the BONUS of seeing the Northern Lights for the first time in my life!

Then a tour of Acadia National Park — beautiful.  Feeling the evening glow on top of a mountain, being one with nature and all the good feelings that come from that. Tonight I learned that porcupines like to climb trees. 1) I had no idea 2) I sort of wish I didn’t know that 3) very happy it wasn’t an angry porcupine and chose not to throw quills at me from above.
